Mendonça (pronounced Mendonza) was born and raised in Brazil, but now
she resides in Redwood City, California working as a aerobics instructor
and personal trainer .
Only 5 feet and 100 lbs., Luciana is one of the shortest
fitness women around, but she has one of the best balanced bodies in her
field and a good muscular size and definition for a fitness girl with
sultry cover girl looks.
She started her career in Brazil as a bodybuilder, following the
steps of her father, who had won the Mr. Sao Paulo contest in his youth.
Bodyboarder or
Bodybuilder?, the "Body" is what counts
Luciana traveled around the world for a time as a
professional body boarder, surfing waves up to fifteen feet! not many
people that we know has those guts. If bodyboarding and his brother
sport surfing are very popular in Brazil even more so are aerobics
competitions. In fact, Brazil ha produced more world champions than
any other country (and we are not talking about soccer footbal), this
is perhaps because of the miniature G-string swimsuits, called "tangas"
that are de rigeur on the beaches of Rio. Luciana soon found she
had an exceptional talent as she became National Aerobics
Champion and placed 4th in the World Championships.

It was after moving to the United States that she became
aware of fitness competitions. Having excelled in both
aerobics and bodybuilding, it seemed like the perfect
progression. Indeed it was, as Lucianas ultra-lean
physique took her to second place in the swimsuit round
at the 1996 Fitness America Pageant - ESPN National
Championships, while her supercharged routine, replete
with aerobic strength demonstrations, earned her second
in the routine round as well. Going into the interview
round, she actually led eventual champion Kelly Ryan by
two points. For a first-time fitness competitor to do so
well at Nationals was more than outstanding.